Investing time and energy for friendship

Many times in my life I’ve felt disconnected, lacking the friendships I desire. At a distance from old friends, geographically and emotionally. It hasn’t been simply bad luck, or dastardly actions by others. (And if I focused on those things, what could I do about them? Very little.) Speaking for myself, disconnection has followed from my neglecting … Read more

​Spend energy to create energy

Spending energy creates energy. A short run and I’m more alert. A slightly harder run and (once I recover) I have energy for days. I take a push-up break from the computer instead of a cookie break, and I feel more energised. And the same seems to apply to most of us. Physics still applies: … Read more

​My routines are my strength

​My routines are my strength. But they are not strong enough.  My boundaries are my protection. But if they are poorly established and defended, they do not protect me.  I want to be calm, energetic and focused. To achieve that, I must do the things that help me be calm, energetic and focused.  Make things … Read more

A note of encouragement and hope

I love the strategies, the tools and tips for cutting distraction, and the neuroscience of personal change. But sometimes we just need to know that change is possible, and that with some persistence, things are likely to get better.

The no shame zone: frailty, not failure

I don’t know what Bill O’Reilly would think of my “No Shame Zone”. Or as I express it, my coaching principle of “no blame, no shame”, understanding our patterns and investigating with curiosity and compassion. It shares a declared aspiration with his “No Spin Zone”, that of frank honesty with ourselves and others. As Bill … Read more

The reason for these notes

Note: This post was made on a separate blog that I kept for a short while, deliberately low profile and marked as “notes”, in order to give myself permission to write. That was helpful and I’m now feeling more comfortable, so I’m merging those posts into Procrastination Paramedic. – Chris Waterguy, 2 Jan 2019.  For … Read more

Red flag: Priorities

“These 18 things are my number one priority!” – my friend Nick Wolf. Context:  discussing the temptation to continually add “important” tasks and goals to our todo lists.

Lower the bar and get jumping

Note: This post was made on a separate blog that I kept for a short while, deliberately low profile and marked as “notes”, in order to give myself permission to write. That was helpful and I’m now feeling more comfortable, so I’m merging those posts into Procrastination Paramedic. – Chris Waterguy, 2 Jan 2019.  When … Read more