Note: This post was made on a separate blog that I kept for a short while, deliberately low profile and marked as “notes”, in order to give myself permission to write. That was helpful and I’m now feeling more comfortable, so I’m merging those posts into Procrastination Paramedic. – Chris Waterguy, 2 Jan 2019.
For the last several years, I’ve been keeping notes, links, insights, findings from psychological research and perspectives that have helped me and strategies that have supported my goals. What I mostly haven’t done is shared these.
I’m sharing them here, starting now, as an exercise in writing (a goal I’m working on now) as well as to create a public record of what I believe and how I work. For one thing, when I’m coaching a client in anti-procrastination or anything else, I can more easily point them to a post here rather than digging something out of my private notes.
It’s also a way for a potential client to see who I am and whether they might like to work with me. (If so, contact me for a chat.)
My least urgent goal but perhaps the biggest impact in the long run is in reaching more people that I can through one-on-one coaching alone. I share these notes, perspectives, strategies, in the hope in hopes that they will benefit someone besides myself. If they’ve helped you, please drop me a line or leave a comment.