A note of encouragement and hope

I love the strategies, the tools and tips for cutting distraction, and the neuroscience of personal change. But sometimes we just need to know that change is possible, and that with some persistence, things are likely to get better.

The no shame zone: frailty, not failure

I don’t know what Bill O’Reilly would think of my “No Shame Zone”. Or as I express it, my coaching principle of “no blame, no shame”, understanding our patterns and investigating with curiosity and compassion. It shares a declared aspiration with his “No Spin Zone”, that of frank honesty with ourselves and others. As Bill … Read more

The reason for these notes

Note: This post was made on a separate blog that I kept for a short while, deliberately low profile and marked as “notes”, in order to give myself permission to write. That was helpful and I’m now feeling more comfortable, so I’m merging those posts into Procrastination Paramedic. – Chris Waterguy, 2 Jan 2019.  For … Read more

Red flag: Priorities

“These 18 things are my number one priority!” – my friend Nick Wolf. Context:  discussing the temptation to continually add “important” tasks and goals to our todo lists.

Lower the bar and get jumping

Note: This post was made on a separate blog that I kept for a short while, deliberately low profile and marked as “notes”, in order to give myself permission to write. That was helpful and I’m now feeling more comfortable, so I’m merging those posts into Procrastination Paramedic. – Chris Waterguy, 2 Jan 2019.  When … Read more

Want freedom? Maybe quit fleeing

When we feel pressure, a common instinct is to flee. Sometimes fleeting is wise (e.g. from an abusive relationship) but oftentimes it is not. There is no universal law here. Facing the pressure and taking it on (yet again taking on more responsibility, and complaining about it) may be terrible advice. On the other hand, … Read more

Decision Diary

An exercise I use with clients, for a power boost to achieve their goals, is the Decision Diary. After we identify a specific goal where greater willpower will help them to succeed, I ask them to keep track of each choice they make related to that goal, for one day or more. One way is to keep a pen and paper … Read more

How to Avoid the Resolution Traps

Today we look at the common traps that prevent people from forming new habits and keeping resolutions. While we are focusing on exercise goals here, the lessons apply in all aspects of your life.  There is a time to push yourself hard – if you’re working on your fitness, that’s likely to be when you’ve … Read more

Red flag: “Next time will be different”

When you came to a point where you suffered for your procrastination, you may have told yourself “Next time will be different!” Like me in the past, you may have come to this point many times, making the same declaration each time. Perhaps you added, or at least felt, “This time I mean it!” This … Read more

How to use rewards to defeat procrastination

Procrastination is our bias towards the present, controlling our behaviour. A small pain or loss now looms more than a much more serious gain, pain or loss in the future. Understanding how this works can let us turn procrastination around. Procrastination is basically a simple term for a deep problem with human nature and the problem has to do with time. … Read more

Recommended Reading On “Applied Rationality”

For serious reading on how to make better use of your brain, see the Recommended Reading on Rationality from the Center for Applied Rationality. These are all great books, but I particularly recommend Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long.

Focus First: Facebook and Email in Their Place

The distractions I love social media, and I’m connected with lots of smart, interesting people. I enjoy the interactions and I like that they make me think (and feel). Some of these people I count as real friends – not just Facebook friends. But needless to say, Facebook is an enormous time suck – even … Read more